Muir Valley Memories
Waterfalls and Rock Features
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The beautiful rock features above the Bruise Brothers Wall dressed in fall colors.
One of the more remote rock climbing cliffs in Muir Valley.
A breathtaking, insanely overhung wall that challenges Top Gun climbers from all over the world with its classic sport climbs.
Thousands of climbers enter this portal to the "Land Before Time" wall. It is small but picturesque. It was one happy photographer who lucked into getting the setting sun illuminating the arch in this way.
One of Muir Valley's most popular climbing vistas. The Great Arch to the right is deep but doesn't break through as do arches on thinner sections of rock. When it is pouring outside, the Great Arch stays bone dry. Then a couple days later when it is dry outside, water from the previous rain that has seeped into the rock above finally makes it to the face, and the Great Arch is wet. Go figure.
Although this Arched shelter looks like the entrance to a cave, it doesn't go deep enough to be a true cave. Years ago, native Americans used these as shelters as they were dry and defensible.
This large, magnificent, richly-pocketed wall draws climbers to it.
A really big wall of rock! Intimidating climbs.
This is the top of the 13-tier falls at the back of the hollow housing the Animal Crackers, Bibliothek, and Persepolis walls. It flows over the top near the "Hemlocks Over Muir" resort to a small pond, shown here. It continues to cascade over 12 more tiered rock ledges before finally arriving at the Valley floor.