Muir Valley Memories

Ever wonder how Muir Valley came to be and how it evolved through the years? We've put together a little photo history of this special place – both before and after it became a rock climber's paradise and a preserve of spectacular natural beauty.
We've also include photos of some of Muir Valleys special features — some of the more well known ones as well as a few of it's hidden treasures.
We hope you enjoy it!
Rick and Liz Weber

Rick & Liz Weber - Co-founders of Muir Valley

"What are you going to do with all that rock?"
Click Here for a Detailed Guide to All the Climbs in Muir Valley
About the photos on this website
Over the twenty years of its existence, many very nice and talented folks have taken photos throughout Muir Valley and given them to us. Alas, we've lost track of who took what pix. So, we apologize for not posting specific credits where they are due. If you see a photo and you are not on this list, please let us know and we'll update the site with the inclusion of your name. A majority of the photos on this site were taken by three people.
• Tim Yates - both a skilled climber and professional photographer who started documenting Muir in its earliest days.
• Michael Kirkendoll - a skilled amateur photographer who assisted with providing photos for the Muir Valley Guidebook.
• Rick Weber - who regrets that he had not taken more photos – especially during Muir Valley's earlier days.
Do you have any photos of your experiences in Muir Valley that you believe would enhance this website? We would appreciate seeing them and possibly add them here. Please send them to